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Open Graph Meta Tags


Learn how to use the og:audio:url meta tag to improve your site.

Specifies the URL of the audio content to be used as a rich object in a social graph. It is meant for integrating audio content that represents the page or is closely related to the content of the page, enhancing its representation on social media platforms.

Code Examples

<meta property="og:audio:url" content="https://example.com/audio.mp3" />
Specifies a direct URL to an MP3 file representing the audio content associated with the page.
<meta property="og:audio:url" content="https://example.com/soundtrack.ogg" />
Defines an OGG format audio file URL, showcasing browser compatibility and providing a rich media experience for the page.
<meta property="og:audio:url" content="https://example.com/audio" />
URL lacks a file extension, leading to potential confusion or issues with audio playback on social platforms.
<meta property="og:audio:url" content="audio.mp3" />
Specifies a relative URL path, which might not correctly resolve to an accessible audio file from all contexts.


  • Use Compatible Audio Formats
    Prefer widely supported audio formats like MP3 or OGG to ensure compatibility across different social platforms.
  • Optimize Audio Length
    Consider the length of your audio; too long might reduce engagement, while too short might not effectively convey the message. Aim for a balanced duration.

Related Documentation

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Defines the audio content that will accompany your page when it is shared on social media platforms that support Open Graph.

<meta property="og:audio" content="http://example.com/birdsong.mp3">
Specifies an accessible MP3 audio file on a public server, which can be easily retrieved and played by the implementing social platform.

A secure URL to an audio file to accompany your object within the Graph. Used when the standard og:audio tag URL does not support SSL.

<meta property="og:audio:secure_url" content="https://example.com/music/song.mp3">
A valid, secure URL to an MP3 file that is optimized for web usage and has broad format support.

Defines the MIME type of the audio content referenced in the og:audio tag, ensuring platforms like Facebook understand how to process the linked audio file.

<meta property="og:audio:type" content="audio/mpeg">
Indicates an MP3 audio file, which is widely supported and commonly used for music files.



Specifies the URL of the audio content to be used as a rich object in a social graph. It is meant for integrating audio content that represents the page or is closely related to the content of the page, enhancing its representation on social media platforms.

<meta property="og:audio:url" content="https://example.com/audio.mp3">
Specifies a direct URL to an MP3 file representing the audio content associated with the page.

Defines the description of your content as you want it to appear when shared on social platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and others that adhere to the Open Graph protocol.

<meta property="og:description" content="Discover the top 10 SEO strategies to boost your website's traffic in 2023. Click to learn more!">
This is concise, actionable, and provides a clear benefit, encouraging users to click through.