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Open Graph Meta Tags


Learn how to use the fb:app_id meta tag to improve your site.

Specifies the unique ID that identifies your app on Facebook. It enables Facebook analytics, app insights, and social plugins to work seamlessly with your site.

Code Examples

<meta property="fb:app_id" content="1234567890" />
A numeric string representing a valid Facebook app ID, enabling Facebook services interaction with your web page.
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="yourappidhere" />
Using a placeholder or incorrect app ID format prevents Facebook services from linking to your app, resulting in malfunctioning or unavailable Facebook insights and social plugins.


  • Ensure Consistency Across Pages
    Use the same Facebook App ID across all pages of your site to consolidate analytics and insights data effectively.
  • Secure Your App ID
    Treat your Facebook App ID as sensitive information. Avoid using it in scenarios where it could be used maliciously.
  • Stay Updated with Facebook Platform Policies
    Regularly review Facebook Platform Policies to ensure your use of fb:app_id complies with the latest guidelines.
  • Test Before Deployment
    Use Facebook’s Sharing Debugger to test how your pages are interpreted with the fb:app_id meta tag to ensure optimal performance and appearance.

Related Documentation

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Specifies the unique ID that identifies your app on Facebook. It enables Facebook analytics, app insights, and social plugins to work seamlessly with your site.

<meta property="fb:app_id" content="1234567890">
A numeric string representing a valid Facebook app ID, enabling Facebook services interaction with your web page.