Early Access

Meta Tags


Learn how to use the application-name meta tag to improve your site.

Defines the name of the web application as it should be displayed when bookmarked or added to a mobile home screen.

Code Examples

<meta name="application-name" content="MyApp" />
Simple, concise, and clearly displays the application's purpose or brand.
<meta name="application-name" content="Budget Tracker" />
Describes the application's functionality in a straightforward manner.
<meta name="application-name" content="My Super Cool Application for Budget Tracking and More!" />
Too long and likely to be truncated on most mobile home screens, making it less effective.
<meta name="application-name" content="🚀MyApp" />
Uses a special character that might not display correctly across all devices and platforms.


  • Keep It Short and Sweet
    The application name should be concise and memorable. Longer names might be truncated on device screens or ignored.
  • Avoid Special Characters
    Special characters and emojis may not be displayed correctly on all devices. Stick to alphanumeric characters to ensure broad compatibility.

Related Documentation

Related Meta Tags

Defines the name of the web application as it should be displayed when bookmarked or added to a mobile home screen.

<meta name="application-name" content="MyApp">
Simple, concise, and clearly displays the application's purpose or brand.



Defines the character encoding standard for the HTML document. Character encoding is essential for rendering text correctly in browsers.

<meta charset="charset" content="UTF-8">
Declares UTF-8 as the character encoding for the HTML document, supporting most characters and symbols in use today.

Instructs the browser on what color themes (light or dark mode) are supported and preferred for the content, ensuring visual consistency and accessibility.

<meta name="color-scheme" content="light dark">
Indicates to the browser that the site smoothly supports both light and dark themes, offering flexibility to match the user’s preferred theme setting.



Specifies the name of the preferred stylesheet to use on a web page. This allows users or user agents to choose the default stylesheet amongst many provided.

<meta http-equiv="default-style" content="Main Style">
Correct use case where "Main Style" is precisely the title of one of the page’s alternative stylesheets.

Controls how telephone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses are detected and displayed by the browser. By default, many browsers can automatically detect this information and style or link it accordingly, which might not always align with the web developers’ intentions.

<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">
Prevents the browser from auto-detecting and linking phone numbers, allowing the site to control how and if phone numbers are clickable.