Early Access

Open Graph Meta Tags


Learn how to use the article:section meta tag to improve your site.

Defines the section or category that the content belongs to. This tag is part of the Open Graph protocol, which is used to ensure that content is displayed attractively when shared on social platforms.

Code Examples

<meta property="article:section" content="Technology" />
Good use of a broad yet specific category that clearly indicates the general subject area of the content.
<meta property="article:section" content="Health & Wellness" />
This example captures a broad topic that can encompass a variety of articles related to health, ensuring relevancy and aiding in content categorization on social platforms.
<meta property="article:section" content="The intricate workings of early 20th century European water pumps" />
This is an example of a category that is too specific and niche. It is unlikely to be broadly applicable or useful for content categorization on social platforms.
<meta property="article:section" content="" />
An empty content attribute does not provide any useful information and misses an opportunity for better content categorization and discovery.


  • Be specific but broad
    Choose a section name that is specific enough to be informative but broad enough that it encompasses the entire article. Too niche categories might not be relatable.
  • Consistency is Key
    Keep section names consistent across articles to help users and algorithms understand the categorization of your content better. This enhances user experience and can aid in content discovery.

Related Documentation

Related Meta Tags

Defines the author(s) of an article for social media platforms, particularly when shared. It helps in categorizing content by authorship on platforms like Facebook.

<meta property="article:author" content="John Doe">
Specifies "John Doe" as the author, providing clear and direct authorship information.

Specifies the date and time when the article is considered to be expired or outdated. It is used by social media platforms like Facebook to understand the relevance of content.

<meta property="article:expiration_time" content="2023-12-31T23:59:59+00:00">
Sets a clear and precise expiration date and time for the article, using ISO 8601 format.

Indicates the date and time when the article was last modified, helping social media platforms and search engines understand content recency.

<meta property="article:modified_time" content="2023-05-10T14:45:00Z">
Specifies the article was last modified on May 10th, 2023 at 2:45 PM UTC, following the recommended ISO 8601 format.

Defines the original publication date of an article or webpage. This helps search engines and social media platforms understand when the content was first published, which can be crucial for SEO and content freshness.

<meta property="article:published_time" content="2023-04-01T12:00:00Z">
Specifies the UTC time when the article was published. The correct use of ISO 8601 format ensures accurate parsing by platforms and devices.

Defines the section or category that the content belongs to. This tag is part of the Open Graph protocol, which is used to ensure that content is displayed attractively when shared on social platforms.

<meta property="article:section" content="Technology">
Good use of a broad yet specific category that clearly indicates the general subject area of the content.